Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Portelet Bay

View from Noirmont Point across Portelet Bay, in the middle of which stands Janvrin Tower. It was built as a defense against French attack during the 1800s, but it stands above the tomb of a sailor called Philip Janvrin. On returning to the island from a trip to Nantes in the year 1721, Janvrin and his crew were not allowed to land, for fear that they might be infected with the plague that was afflicting the people of that area of France. They where ordered to stay in quarantine on their ship in the nearby Belcroute Bay. It's not known whether the crew were actually suffering from the plague, but sadly poor Janvrin died and his widow was still not allowed to bring his body ashore. Permission was finally given for his body to be interred on 'Ile au Guerdain', so that he would be within sight of his St. Brelade home.

A contribution to Outdoor Wednesday
ABC Wednesday.


Linnea said...

What a beautiful spot it is now to enjoy the water and sky...

Ann said...

What a spectacular beach area. A lovely view for ABC Wed.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Wow! I'm happy that Philip was finally allowed to be within sight of his home. Beautiful place and a great addition to ABC Wednesday.

Roger Owen Green said...

pretty bay
ROG, ABC Wednesday team