Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Footpath between fields

This footpath in the Cueillette De Millais connects La Route des Landes to La Rue Freule. It has steep banks either side and appears to be used mainly by horse riders judging by the many hoofprints in the mud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw your photo from the Channel Islands. It brought back a ton of memories and the people who I once knew whose final destination in life was there. He was the only person I have ever met who had 5 Phd's behind his name and one was for teaching and it was to the islands where he ended up teaching. He wasn't the smartest person I ever met, which says something about "money buying diplomas" and their imagined value. Anyway, nice photo Gerald.

Hello from Brookville, Ohio, home of Abraham Lincoln. Yes, the one related to President Lincoln. You can see his blog at this link: http://writing26letters.wordpress.com/